
Wisdom in the Moment

Monday, 14 December 2015

That "Light Bulb" Moment.

“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3

Have you ever seen someone have a “light bulb moment”? I have used this term before but never have I really thought about how a light bulb moment looks on a person. For the majority of my childhood a “light bulb moment” referred to the image of a cartoon character who had an amazing idea indicated by the light bulb which had magically appeared on top of their head.  Now that I am an adult, whenever I hear the term it more often than not is in reference to a profound realisation that has been reached by someone.

Last Sunday at Church I witnessed an occasion where a dear friend went through all the all emotions of a light bulb moment in front of my very eyes.  The furrowed brow as she was silently processing the thoughts and ideas, the left eyebrow slowly raising and the tilting of the head as she was considering the possibilities and then the open mouthed look of wonder as the answer she was searching for dawned on her. 

Until this moment I may not have thought about how a “light bulb moment” looked, but what I knew so well was how it felt. I know this feeling because I have these moments of epiphany every time I study God’s Word. 

How powerful it is to grapple with ideas and discoveries when we set aside time with our Creator and ask for wisdom to comprehend the profound truths that we come across.

You see I too sit with a furrowed brow as I consider each discovery and try to connect it to my limited worldly understanding. And I too get that moment of wonderment when I sit in awe of our God who loves us so much that He would send His only Son as a sacrifice for us so that we may have a relationship with Him for eternity.

If you have not had the opportunity to experience a light-bulb moment in your walk with God then I encourage you to set aside time to spend with our Heavenly Father who yearns to communicate with you.

If you are not used to having a quiet one on one time with God or are a new Christian and don’t know where to start let me share a couple of things that help me:-
  • Set aside time that fits your season of life.  If you fit it into your schedule/circumstance you are more likely to be consistent.  In the morning I commit the day to God in prayer and study the Bible using one of the numerous resources available.  In the evening I spend extra time in prayer during my “wind down time” before bed.  On the weekends I set aside extra time to journal, listen to podcasts, watch teaching DVD’s and so on.
  • Join a Small Group Bible Study Group attached to your Church.  I believe small groups are so important.  It is wonderful being able to share testimonies, talk about passages which we find difficult to comprehend, share what we have discovered during our own personal quiet times during the week and support each other in prayer.  I love getting other peoples’ opinions before coming to my own conclusions because this often enlightens me to another perspective I hadn’t considered before.
  • When you are at Church – take notes during the sermon, God can speak to your heart through the Pastor He has put in place to lead your Church.

Finally, this week I pray that you have the opportunity to have a light bulb moment so profound that you want to shout it from the rooftops!
References:     Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Who Me? I'm......Fine!

Have you ever had a frazzled Sunday? You know, the kind of day where you do your best to get to Church on time but instead of getting your heart prepared to absorb the teaching of God’s Word you spend the morning “reacting” rather than responding? I am sure that many of you can relate.  To be honest, when I let my emotions and frustrations get in the way all I really want to do is hop back into bed, avoid people for 24 hours and then “begin again”.

One recent Sunday I was particularly frazzled.  The events that led to this emotionally charged morning had not helped my mood or attitude to life in general.  I tried to rally my emotions so I was able to give our Church Welcome Team the usual “hello" smile when one of them spoke:-

“Good morning, how are you?”. I gave a half-hearted smile and responded, “Fine thanks”. 

The response was automatic but it also kick started my inner monologue.  The conversation went a little like this:-

“Am I really fine? I don’t feel fine, I’m exhausted, I have been sick for many weeks, I am behind in my housework and cannot remember the last time I actually sorted the junk pile (aka my bedroom).”  If I was honest I should have said “I feel exhausted and overwhelmed” but God is still good!

Why is it that most of the time we tend to answer the question with an automatic generic response no matter what is going on in the background?

Is it because we don’t think the person asking really wants to know?  Is it because we are too busy to answer?  Or maybe, just maybe, it is because we are in a leadership position in the Church and feel we can’t be showing any “perceived weakness” in case it is misinterpreted as a lack of faith.

I have just finished reading “Loved Back to Life” by Sheila Walsh.  In this book there is a quote that really struck a chord with me and gave me “much food for thought” in relation to my responses:-

“What I think we as the church lack, though, is a place to talk about how things really are right now.  In our desire to be an inspiration to one another we often veil what is true, because what is true is not always inspirational……….If we were able to put aside our need for approval long enough to be authentic, then, surely, we would be living as the church.”

I encourage you to think about that quote for a moment and then ask yourself the following question:-

Am I seeking approval from my church family so much so that I am not living authentically, but projecting the idea of what I believe a Christian should look like? 

Thankfully the Bible makes it clear that God has created a time for everything, just look in Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, 7:-

There is a time for everything , and a season for every activity under the heavens: A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance……. A time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.”

My prayer for us this week is that we will live an authentic Christian life.  That God will give us the wisdom to know when to humble ourselves and seek support, when to share, what to share and when to stay silent and listen.
References:     Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan
                         Walsh, S (2015); Loved Back to Life; Nelson Books USA

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The Value of a Moment

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

Dr Seuss.
Its 5am, and I toss and turn trying to go back to sleep.  I focus, craning to hear a sound or a voice calling me to see what brought me out of my slumber.  It is still dark, the moment just before the birds awake.  The world outside is mostly silent apart from the odd car engine grumbling.
My mind is calm but curious as to why I am awake so early. Naturally I raise my internal voice to sing the bridge of the song still resonating with my spirit from Church the night before:-
“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me.  Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Saviour” (Hillsong United)
 “Speak Lord your servant is listening” I say to my Creator and wait. Flashes of memories come into my mind, they are memories of my father’s parents.  I see my grandma giggling in delight as she gives me her “squidgy” hugs. I see my grandpa showing me how to spin honey out of the honeycomb in the back shed. I remember….. I feel the delight of just being in their presence as a child, the love. The memory moves on to when I had to say goodbye, the last time I saw them before they died.  What sadness and yet what beauty knowing that they had a relationship with Jesus.
Have you ever had moments like that?  Where you have allowed yourself to remember, let in the sadness, relived the happiness and re-process the confusion?
Have you ever allowed yourself to see the value in that moment?
Over the last 6 weeks I have been reliving moments of significance as I complete the study “Undaunted” by Christine Caine. Some of the memories have brought me back to a time in my life where my world was turned upside down and I was asking “why me?”. It has been a challenging and enriching process even though some memories were painful. 
I wonder if we stop ourselves from looking back as an observer because all we see are bad moments….
Can bad moments have value? Yes! I firmly believe that they often have greater value than the good moments because it is in the hard times that we tend to dig deeper into God and is the time of most growth. I know that sometimes it is easier to avoid certain memories but let me reassure you with something I know to be true.  
Every moment in your life can be overcome with Jesus.
God’s power is present whatever storm we are going through as true as it is when the sun is shining.  Every moment had and has value. 
God’s Word is full of His wisdom about our moments. His truth contains words of comfort, instruction, healing, praise, correction and encouragement.  You name it and there’s a verse for it! Even the questions – just look at King David pouring out his anguish in the book of Psalms:-
“Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath.  Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.  My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long?” Psalm 6:1-3.
I encourage you to take time to listen for your Creators voice in those moments of silence. To wait to see what He wants you to learn moment to moment. I encourage you to remember – not to hold on to the past but use what you learn to move forward into what God has planned for your future. 
You have a purpose, a calling that God is eager to move you towards.
Just remember even taking one small step moves you forwards.   
 References:          Hillsong United - Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) Lyrics | MetroLyrics
                                Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan                        

Monday, 6 July 2015

Book Review: Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst

For those of you who know me well it’s no secret that Lysa Terkeurst is one of my favourite authors. I just love how ‘real’ and relatable she is. 
Let’s be honest, we will more absorb and listen to a speaker/leader who is transparent about their imperfections using gut-honest personal examples than one who looks “squeaky clean” and whose family seems to have it “all together”.
I lead a women’s intensive Bible study group once a term. I had already worked through two of Lysa’s studies “When Women Say Yes to God” and “The Best Yes” previously but had decided to choose a different curriculum in order to “mix it up”.  Obviously God had other ideas and I am grateful to Him for that.
Initially I selected the book “Unglued” because a friend wanted to do the study and other people had commented to me regarding their struggles with their reactions of late.  It never occurred to me that God felt I needed to work on this issue myself – obviously it wouldn’t as in my mind I am the most perfectly controlled woman in the world when it comes to her reactions (wink, wink).  So, I decided to do this study because there seemed to be a need.
There are not enough words for me to be able to describe effectively how much I have grown during this process.  Lysa is an “open-book” when it comes to giving examples about her raw emotions and reactions in everyday life which has you nodding your head in agreement and recalling situations where you have done exactly the same thing.  She helps you recognise what kind of reactor you are, how it effects those around you and to realise what your triggers are.
I think my most favourite part of the book is the “Biblical Procedural Manual”. 
In this manual Lysa draws on biblical truths to speak into our lives which she then converts to a five step process in order to assist in our reactive moments.  This process is converted to five short statements which she encourages you to personalise. 
I have grown so much that nowadays when I recognise my trigger I start to pause and repeat my personalised five steps in my mind which helps me to calm, take a step back and respond rather than react.  If I haven’t noticed my trigger and am in the “heat of the moment” I pause, close my eyes and repeat this process which helps me to wind myself back down.
This progress Lysa calls “imperfect progress” recognising that progress is small steps forward no matter how many times you trip and fall along the way.
While reading the book is beneficial, to truly delve deeply into the growth process I would recommend purchasing the DVD and participant’s guide.  It can be worked through on your own but I believe that it is much better in a group as it’s nice to have the support and know that we are not alone in our struggles. It was eye opening to chart my progress, recognise my triggers and personalise my procedural manual.  I now have a treasured journal full of raw and honest answers about who I am, how my past has affected me and where I need to improve sprinkled with examples of God’s grace and abundant mercy.  The beauty of this journal is that it is also a testament to how far I have come during the 6 week process, a treasure that I am sure I will re-visit many a time.
I can’t recommend this book highly enough.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Permission to Linger

I have a confession to make. No matter how much I try, for some reason I just can’t
“be still”. In fact, I don’t think our society encourages the idea of rest.  Just look at the invention of faxes, emails, smartphones, Facebook and Twitter.  Work days are getting longer because we are reachable no matter where we are.  The world is so noisy. 
Because of all the things that compete to get our attention 24/7, it is difficult to stop and linger in God’s presence.
When I have shared this fact with others over the years many well intentioned brothers and sisters in Christ have told me where they thought I was going wrong. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “you are not doing it right if you don’t spend at least an hour in prayer and Bible reading each day” or “you are supposed to meditate on God’s word morning and night” I would be a wealthy woman.  At times after hearing this I would think “what is wrong with me! Why can’t I just stop!”

 I yearn to be like Mary in the Bible (Luke 10:38-41) sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to what He is saying instead of being like her sister Martha madly rushing around trying to get everything done. 

I hate to admit it but when I read this story in the book of Luke I can see I am Martha.  There have been times I have been rushing around in the evening getting cranky at my son for taking so long to get his school things ready for the next day only to discover he is reading his Bible – at these times I can almost hear God say to me what he said to Martha when she complained about Mary:-
“Martha Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41 (NIV)
Over the last few weeks God has revealed to me that resting in His presence is not as complicated as we tend to make it.  In fact any effort we make to linger is not going to work unless we make it fit how we work.  This means, if you are a morning person, set your daily quiet time in the morning.  If you are a night person do it at night. If you only have your lunch hour spare each day – read your Bible then. There really is no reason why we can’t find some time to spend with God each day. God will meet you wherever you are.
Sometimes I think we forget that God is with us always, He doesn’t just come and linger with us during our quiet time and then go away until the next time we decide to stop.  When pondering on this fact I came across the following verse:-

 “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” Ps 139:7 – 8 (NIV)

I can honestly say that one of my current favorite places to meet with God is early in the morning at the gym. I know, I know, it sounds a little crazy but think about it... approximately 1 hour of time where nothing else is going to grab my attention.  It’s a great time to pray, listen to praise and worship songs or to the Elevation Church podcasts that I love.  1 hour of authentic lingering in the presence of God, learning more about Him and rejuvenating my soul.  The added bonus of this is that as I am focused on Him I am not focused on the fact that I really don’t like exercise!

 I pray this week that God reveals to you the best way to linger in His presence.  You may be surprised, you could have your own “gym-like” meeting place with Him that you have never considered before.


References:              Image:
                                Quotes:    Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Honest Reflections

Have you ever met someone who presented beautifully in public? A person who was the picture of concern, kindness and godliness but turned out to be totally different “behind closed doors”?
I was listening to the local radio station recently when a song called “Ugly Heart” by the group G.R.L. came on.  Let me share with you the lyrics of the chorus:-

“Okay you're pretty your face is a work of art. Your smile could light up New York City after dark. Okay you're coverboy pretty stamped with a beauty mark. But it's such a pity a boy so pretty, with an ugly heart.”
To be honest, as I was listening to this chorus my mind was working overtime. I was reminded of people who I have come across who I felt the song lyrics could have been written about. As each person flashed into my mind I thought about why I saw them that way.  I thought about the events which caused me to be so sure they were presenting a fake persona to the world but in effect had a tainted character in the form of an “ugly heart”.

As I was justifying to myself why my opinions about the “blasts from my past” were correct, I got that uncomfortable feeling that one gets when heading down a path they should not go.  The feeling which I recognised as God’s prompting. So I paused, and pondered the motives behind the thoughts going through my mind.  It was then that it dawned on me, the person described in the chorus could just as easily be me!
If I am not careful I could be a person who presents one persona to the people around, one of kindness and godliness, one of compassion and understanding, but inside my heart attitude could be ugly – self-seeking, arrogant, mean and manipulative.

“As water reflects a face so a man’s heart reflects the man” Proverbs 27:19 (NIV)
 What a wake-up call!  I need to ensure that I am so in tune with God that I do not fall into the trap of using God’s word or people to ensure that I get what I want.  I need to make sure that when being compassionate and understanding towards people, in particular people that I struggle with whether it be in my family, church family or workplace, that I don’t speak badly of them when they are no longer in my presence.  I need to make sure that my character reflects that of Jesus in all that I do.

When pondering ways that would build on my character to ensure that it reflects the heart of Jesus, I came across a devotion written by Loree Lough which really challenged me.  The devotion talks about character as follows:-
“Do to others as you would have them do to you”. Luke 6:31(NIV)

  “You’ve heard it said that reputation is what others think you are but character is who you are……..I hope that by living by the Golden Rule, my reputation as a woman of Christian character will precede me…and follow me… everywhere.”
What we reflect to the world will either bring glory to God or bring glory to ourselves. It will build up God’s kingdom and draw people near giving us moments where we can share the gospel, or it will assist to harden their hearts and make them avoid Church all together.  I pray that we never lose sight of this in our day to day lives.  I pray that each one of us shines our light for Jesus so brightly that when they look at us all they see is Him.


References:              Image:
                                Quotes:    Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan
                                                “Be Still and Let Your Nail Polish Dry: 365 Day Inspirational Devotional” by Andrea Boeshaar, Sandra D.                                                             Bricker, Loree Lough and Debby Mayne

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Lead Me To The Cross

Easter, a day that the majority of people associate with chocolate and hot cross buns.  A day that is the only day (apart from Christmas) that some people attend church.  A day that many people look at as nothing more than an extra-long weekend.

To me Easter is so much more than that.  It is the weekend that we as a community of born-again Christians all over the world remember Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross for our sins and celebrate the fact that He rose again.

I remember one day years ago, when Easter was almost upon us, my son who was about 7 or 8 at the time was chatting to me in the car. We were chatting about what Easter buns and Easter eggs represent in relation to Jesus dying on the cross and “the empty tomb”. It was at this stage of the conversation that he went a little quiet as if he was pondering something important. I waited, and a few minutes later heard a little voice say to me “Ma, because we are friends with Jesus we shouldn’t be thinking about Jesus dying on the cross only at Easter but we should be remembering it every day.” What a beautiful simple thought from a child. And he was right.  I need to be meditating and thinking about this every day, not just at Easter time. 

Why should I be thinking about Jesus dying on the cross every day? Simply because Jesus died for you and for me. It is because of Jesus’s death on the cross that we are able to approach God’s throne with confidence.  Jesus washed us clean with His blood – our sins are no more, He took the punishment for us so that we may have eternal life:-

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17 (NIV)

It is because of this fact that I am exceedingly grateful for Jesus’s sacrifice each and every day. I remember so that I never become complacent or ungrateful for what He has done for me. 

One interesting thing I have noticed about Easter time is that this is one of the times when people in my “every day” life are more open to hearing why the death and resurrection of Jesus is so precious to Christians as a whole.  A perfect opportunity to share that Jesus died for them too!
So, on this Easter long weekend as I prepare myself for Resurrection Sunday, before I partake in  the celebration service rejoicing in the fact that Jesus is Alive. I leave you with a beautiful passage from Max Lucado’s book “No Wonder They Call Him The Savior” which paints a powerful picture for us to ponder:-

“Like a master painter God reserved his masterpiece until the end.  All the  earlier acts of love had been leading to this one.  The angels hushed and the heavens paused to witness the finale.  God unveils the canvas and the ultimate     act of creative compassion is revealed.
God on a cross.
The Creator being sacrificed for the creation.  God convincing man once and for all that forgiveness still follows failure……………“It is finished.”

The mission was finished.  All that the master painter needed to do was done and was done in splendour.  His creation could now come home.”
I pray that you realise the depth of God’s love for you during this Easter time.

References:              Image:
                                Quotes:    Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan

                                                “No Wonder They Call Him the Savior” by Max Lucado