
Wisdom in the Moment

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Permission to Linger

I have a confession to make. No matter how much I try, for some reason I just can’t
“be still”. In fact, I don’t think our society encourages the idea of rest.  Just look at the invention of faxes, emails, smartphones, Facebook and Twitter.  Work days are getting longer because we are reachable no matter where we are.  The world is so noisy. 
Because of all the things that compete to get our attention 24/7, it is difficult to stop and linger in God’s presence.
When I have shared this fact with others over the years many well intentioned brothers and sisters in Christ have told me where they thought I was going wrong. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “you are not doing it right if you don’t spend at least an hour in prayer and Bible reading each day” or “you are supposed to meditate on God’s word morning and night” I would be a wealthy woman.  At times after hearing this I would think “what is wrong with me! Why can’t I just stop!”

 I yearn to be like Mary in the Bible (Luke 10:38-41) sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to what He is saying instead of being like her sister Martha madly rushing around trying to get everything done. 

I hate to admit it but when I read this story in the book of Luke I can see I am Martha.  There have been times I have been rushing around in the evening getting cranky at my son for taking so long to get his school things ready for the next day only to discover he is reading his Bible – at these times I can almost hear God say to me what he said to Martha when she complained about Mary:-
“Martha Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41 (NIV)
Over the last few weeks God has revealed to me that resting in His presence is not as complicated as we tend to make it.  In fact any effort we make to linger is not going to work unless we make it fit how we work.  This means, if you are a morning person, set your daily quiet time in the morning.  If you are a night person do it at night. If you only have your lunch hour spare each day – read your Bible then. There really is no reason why we can’t find some time to spend with God each day. God will meet you wherever you are.
Sometimes I think we forget that God is with us always, He doesn’t just come and linger with us during our quiet time and then go away until the next time we decide to stop.  When pondering on this fact I came across the following verse:-

 “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” Ps 139:7 – 8 (NIV)

I can honestly say that one of my current favorite places to meet with God is early in the morning at the gym. I know, I know, it sounds a little crazy but think about it... approximately 1 hour of time where nothing else is going to grab my attention.  It’s a great time to pray, listen to praise and worship songs or to the Elevation Church podcasts that I love.  1 hour of authentic lingering in the presence of God, learning more about Him and rejuvenating my soul.  The added bonus of this is that as I am focused on Him I am not focused on the fact that I really don’t like exercise!

 I pray this week that God reveals to you the best way to linger in His presence.  You may be surprised, you could have your own “gym-like” meeting place with Him that you have never considered before.


References:              Image:
                                Quotes:    Holy Bible: New International Version. (2011). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan

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